Ice Rental Agreement

Please note that all Yellowhead Regular User Groups must ensure that anyone wishing to join their group must first purchase a Yellowhead Membership Card. Details on Home Page!

Neepawa & District Centennial Project Committee Inc.
“ Yellowhead Centre”
Box 2440 – 175 Mountain Avenue North
Neepawa, MB R0J 1H0 Office 204-476-5880 Fax 204-476-5184

Renter ______________________________________________________
Address _____________________________________________________
Postal Code_________________________________________________
Secondary Contact Person______________________________________________________
Telephone (Home)________________ (Business)____________________

Date ___________________Start Time __________End Time___________
Date ___________________Start Time __________End Time___________
(See attached Sheet if more space required)
Ice Rental Rate
$__________G.S.T. (if applicable)
$__________ Total Rate
Payable ______At Facility ________In Advance ________Monthly________
Contract Approved By__________________________________________________________
Facility Position________________________________________________
I, the undersigned, have read, understand and agree to the terms and condition in this contract which are stated on the reverse and hereby accept the same on behalf of the said members of the organization, team or association. I acknowledge and agree that breach of any of the said conditions may result in the termination of the allotted ice time at the discretion of the Yellowhead Board and the Facilities Manager.
Renter Signature_______________________________________________



1. Rental of ice time is based on a 50-minute hour. (Ice surface floods, when deemed necessary, will be conducted during the last 10 minutes of the rented hour.)
2. The representative shall ensure that all members keep off the ice during the resurfacing thereof and shall not go on the ice until the resurfacing has been completed and the Zamboni Door is closed. Arena Attendants have been instructed to leave the ice surface uncompleted if this policy is violated.
3. Teams must leave the ice surface promptly to help maintain our schedules.
4. Allocate someone to move the nets for the Zamboni operator between periods to help speed things up.
5. The Arena will not be responsible for any lost or stolen goods or money, whether from a dressing room or elsewhere.
6. The Renter shall be responsible for all damages caused to the building, grounds, chattels and equipment belonging to the arena, reasonable wear and tear considered. The said damages are to be repaired or paid for to the full satisfaction of the Yellowhead Board.
7. The Arena carries public liability and accident insurance for the protection of spectators and employees. The Renter renting the ice shall be responsible for such insurance as may be necessary for its personnel and shall assume full liability for any accident occurring in connection with the rental of ice.
8. The Arena shall reserve the exclusive right to the sale of all food and beverage concessions within the Arena. The sale of or the solicitation of any tickets, goods or commodities of any nature whether charitable or otherwise, shall not be permitted within the Arena unless approval is obtained from the Yellowhead Board.
9. No SPITTING or Chew or sunflowers seeds
10. Nothing but water allowed in water bottles on the benches (NO GATORADE OR POWERADE etc.)
11. No emptying water bottles on ice surface
12. No one under the age of 14 allowed in time clock box or sound system room


1. Ice time rates and fees will be assessed at the current rates as established by the  Yellowhead Board.
2. All rentals are payable prior to use of the ice, unless otherwise arranged with the management of the Yellowhead Board. Employees are entitled to refuse rentals not paid before the start of the designated ice time.
3. All ice time accounts are due when rendered and are net thirty days. Any outstanding account beyond thirty days from the date of billing shall be assessed a late payment charge on the unpaid balance. Lack of payment will also result in a cancellation of any further ice time until account is paid in full.


1. The Arena may cancel ice time at any time in the event of Tournaments, Special Events and Playoff Games. For other cancellation situations, the Arena management, whenever possible, will notify the representative 48 hours prior to the said canceled ice time.
2. If the Renter wishes to cancel ice time on any particular day, the Renter
shall give 7 days notice in writing to the Arena Manager at If the required notice is not given the representative shall be responsible for payment of said ice time. The ONLY exception to this rule will be PLAYOFF ICE where the possibility of requiring an extra game depends on if the team wins or looses.
3. Any cancellations caused by storms and flooding, power failure, Act of God or business interruption caused by mechanical failure of the Arenas facilities, will be considered unavoidable and the representative will not be charged for cancellations of that nature.


1. The Renter shall ensure that the Dressing Rooms are vacated within 30 minutes of leaving the ice. The Renter further ensures that the dressing rooms shall be left in a reasonably tidy condition.
2. Please make sure minor teams are not left unsupervised in dressing rooms in both practices and games.
3. Please check dressing rooms after your team has vacated it to make sure showers are not left on and that the garbage cans have been used. Also please let your opposition know this and check their rooms after they leave too.
4. The Renter agrees that it is their responsibility to obtain a dressing room key from the Arena attendant. The Arena management may require a deposit of value from the Renter to secure a dressing room key. It is the responsibility of the Renter to lock all dressing room doors before going on the ice. Should a lock prove defective or unable to be locked, the representative shall notify the Arena Attendant immediately.

Regular Basis Users

** It the responsibility of the Renter to notify the Concession Manager, Gate Manager and Arena Manager of any cancellations and if your ice slot is a practice or a game. Regular Monthly Schedules should be given to them also!

Thank you,
The Yellowhead Board


Marilyn – Ticket Master – Call 204-476-5220 Text 204-476-6650
Crystal – Yellowhead Centre Office – Call 204-476-5880 Text 204-212-2594 (also in charge of Redline Grill)

RENTAL INFORMATION (Extra Sheet if Required)

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